Sunday, May 24, 2020

Buddhism A Way Of Finding Peace Within Oneself - 1817 Words

Introduction: Buddhism is defined as â€Å"...a way of finding peace within oneself† (About Buddhism 2007). Buddhists work towards finding inner peace, kindness, and wisdom in all their practices in attempt to reach the ultimate goal of happiness (About Buddhism 2007). In this essay I will be discussing how Buddhism is practiced and taught through the process of, meditation, karma and its laws, the significance of the Buddha, and The Four Noble Truths, and finally what it means to be enlightened. Meditation: â€Å"Meditation is a means of transforming the mind† (The Buddhist Centre 2015). Buddhists practice and teach meditation to help enhance the concentration, clarity, positivity, and find a calming sense of the mind (The Buddhist Centre 2015). Buddhists believe that we have full control and power over our minds meaning that we have the power to change how we think and feel during situations through meditation. (ReligionFacts 2015). Buddhist’s believe dedicated meditation can encourage people to have a clearer, more positive, and peaceful world view. Buddhist’s believe people can alter negative perceptions of themselves and turn it into something positive through meditation/ (The Buddhist Centre 2015). The two most common forms of meditation are practicing Mindfulness of Breathing (Anapana Sati) and Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Bhavana) (Dhammika 2015). Mindfulness of Breathing is using your breath as an object of concentration while meditating (The Buddhist CentreShow MoreRelatedBuddhism: Happiness and The Four Noble Truths1442 Words   |  6 Pagespurpose in life. In order to truly disperse himself in finding the end to his suffering, Gautama let go of a life of things and ambitions; anything felt to be permanent. Gautama’s renunciation of an unsatisfying existence is a great model for anyone following the Buddha’s path. 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